Thursday, February 17, 2011

the letter writing project

do you know someone who needs to be encouraged?

someone who is dealing with tragedy?
write that someone. lift them up.
you don't have to have a solution for them,
but a simple hello will brighten their day.

i will have some assignments for you in weeks to come!

who are you writing to?
share your story...


  1. i have a few people who need it. i'm a frequent reader of their blog, but would love to drop a "real" note in the mail. thanks for the prompt!

  2. I write letters/cards to people all the time. It's such a sweet thing to do :)

  3. I love real mail! It makes me so very happy!

  4. i have a friend who's husband is in the midst of battling cancer. you're so right. i don't have the answers, and i can't make everything ok...but i can brighten her day just for a moment and let her know i'm thinking of her...and her family. hmm...i'm thinkin i need to order some personlized stationary for all this letter writing?! :)

  5. i am sending a card to my sweet BFF...she just lost a great grandparent. i send lots of cards and handwritten letters. there is nothing like them:))

    love this idea krystina

  6. I love the written word and so enjoy meeting others who feel the same way :)

  7. I write cards for people at church each week, encouraging them and reminding them that the body is praying for them. Always hand written, always on hand made cards :)

    I also have been writting my "secret sister" weekly and I like sending notes to friends :)


please leave your comments; i love hearing from you!