Monday, January 30, 2012

oh, how i love thee pinterest...

but, soft! what light through yonder window breaks?
it is the east, and pinterest is the sun.
ok, maybe not a fatal love affair...
but a love affair nonetheless.
this recent article boasts that pinning and viewing 
eye candy on pinterest reduces actual consumption.
sometimes pinterest makes me feel behind, overwhelmed, jealous, wanting.
sometimes it makes me feel like i have to buy everything i see.
so the verdict is still out whether or not it reduces my particular consumption.
i hope we can be full just on His word alone.
a little food, love, and God is all we need, really.

some days i completely avoid pinterest, as i know the space-time continuum 
ticks forward all the faster when i am pinning and moments later it has been an hour.

yesterday i couldn't explain to my brother what's so addicting about it...
when he asked me i just sat and stared off into space thinking about it and drooling a little.
do you pinterest?
what's your user name?
i would love to see your boards
find me at lollipops
