Wednesday, July 4, 2012

What I Love Wednesday {No. 75}

i love the beach, especially today!
happy 4th everyone!
are you headed to the beach?
today i have some tips for packing with an emphasis on what and how to pack the food.

here is a wonderful checklist printable from i heart organizing!

You've spent months working hard to get your body bikini ready for your vacation. So don't blow it by munching on high-calorie snacks or sugary drinks. Make smart food choices and stay on track with your diet all summer long. Nutritionist Joy Bauer was invited on “Today” to share hers tips for what you should pack in your cooler when you go to the beach:

An ultimate day at the beach includes sun, a great bathing suit, and a well-packed cooler. Here's what to pack (and eat!) for a healthy day on the sand.

When it comes to eating at the beach, think HIP:
Healthy Food
Icy Water
Proper Portions

1. Start with a great insulated cooler: 
Make sure it’s size appropriate for your entire group (or simply you). And add a few frozen cold packs.

2. Pack multiple bottles of water:
Make sure you have plenty of water for each person in your party. Pre-freeze large bottles and you’ll have icy water all day long (leave space in bottle for expansion before freezing). Buy smaller water bottles with pop tops for kids — and refill from the larger bottles, as they need. Write names on personal bottles or use fun stickers to help kids identify which bottle is theirs. You may also decide to bring small paper cups, sippy cups, or sports bottles.

3. Lunch entrees — healthy, plus easy-to-eat:
  • Mush control: Since bread often gets soggy, use whole wheat pita bread or tortilla wraps for your sandwiches (for wraps, stick with whole wheat, tomato and/or spinach ones). Keep tomato slices in separate bag or layer between lettuce and lean meat. Skip sauce completely or bring in small containers on the side. 
  • Keep it lean: Go for grilled chicken, lean ham and/or turkey wraps with vegetables. 
  • Utensil-free meals: I personally like to pack foods that do NOT require utensils (especially for kids —much less mess). 
  • Kid-friendly picks: Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches on whole grain bread — peanut butter is thick, so won’t make the bread too soggy. But remember to go light on the jelly to save calories, sugar and SOG! Cut sandwich into fours … this way, if your kids drop one in the sand, they still have 3 more. Fun cut outs are cool for smaller kids. Also, try turkey and cheese roll ups — they’re healthy, easy to prepare and kids love them. 
4. Fruit and veggies:
The more fresh produce you pack, the better! Have them cut, chopped, pre-washed and packed. For vegetables try red, yellow and green pepper sticks, cherry tomatoes, celery, and sugar snap peas. For fruit, stick with juicy varieties. Pack a large fruit salad, seedless purple grapes or peaches and plums.

Single-portion snacks: Be smart about extra snacks. Let’s face it, in the sun you get ravenous — you’re going to eat whatever you pack. So throw in healthy fare such as part-skim string cheese, low-fat granola bars, and single-serving bags of soy crisps, baked chips, light popcorn, 100-calorie packs, and whole-wheat pretzels. If you must include an unhealthy snack for your kids, keep it at one portion per child and always pick something YOU personally hate.

And don’t forget wipes! Every beach outing needs at least one box.

For more information on healthy eating, click here to visit Joy Bauer’s Web site.
personally i like packing a few frozen waters and juice boxes in the cooler and avoiding the ice. keeps things cold and the waters and juice boxes get used - ice just takes up extra space.

from facebook and twitter my friends and followers said:
  • Dried mango, frozen fruit, and s'mores fixin's
  • Grapes! They help when you are hungry OR thirsty!
  • diet dr. pepper and an extra baggie filled with refill ice
  • i use a reusable HOT/COOL bag from albertsons to keep my stuff cool and protected from the sun the bags are hideous, but you can always stuff the bag into another bag to still stay stylish. :]

i'm all packed! how about you?!!
enjoy the beach!                            via

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i can't wait to see what you're loving today!!
