Wednesday, September 28, 2011

What I Love Wednesday {No.35}

This weekend I attended Blog Sugar.
I learned about Love 146.
I am forever changed knowing these horrifying stories and shocking statistics.
Love 146 helps.
What I Love Wednesday is Love 146.
Please watch the video and visit their website and consider helping anyway you can.
I can't even imagine how truly, deeply awful something like this would be.
Here is Rachel Reeves' take. It's so moving. Thank you Rachel for sharing.

Meg Duerksen of Whatever spoke at blog sugar and 
said we need to use our blog voices for doing good.
I couldn't agree more Meg. Thank you!

Thank you friends for opening yourself up this morning.
I can't wait to see what you are loving today!



  1. Using our blog voices for good...exactly. Thanks for reminding me of that, Krystina.

  2. I loved that continuing theme through Blog Sugar - using our blog for good. I am so happy to have met you. You are simply charming in person. maybe I will see you at the Queen Bee! xoxo

  3. Thank you, thank you, thank you. I found out about this issue a few years ago...first about modern slavery (which I was shocked to learn still existed) and then about sex trafficking and specifically child sex trafficking. Every time I find a post about it, it gives me hope...hope that if more people know, more people will do something. So glad to hear that it was promoted on Blog Sugar this year. Thanks for promoting it here too.


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