i wanted to share with you a FEW of my favorite blogs.
i seriously love so many talented, sweet, beautiful ladies out there
that it would take all day to post them.
so i leave you with a FEW ;) i look forward to seeing tweets and instagrams throughout the day from these ladies as well as reading their blogs...
Lindsey of The Pleated Poppy is just real; a fellow homeschooling mom who works her little tail off to make sweet goodies and blog such nice posts. i love how she shares tutorials, fun shops in the area, and her parties. she also shares what she wore all week, and sometimes she teaches me how to beautifully be humble -i'm still working on that. she let's you know she isn't perfect even though first glance would have you doubtful. Lindsey doesn't need me to write about her she has a huge following, but it's what I LOVE wednesday, i digress.
Jeannett of Life Rearranged also has a huge following, however, i am going to share her as well. i love how Jeannett writes straight, with her heart on her sleeve -i can relate. as mothers we have our challanges and hardships and she makes no pretenses in sharing honestly with sharp witty writing that usually has me either rolling on the floor laughing or quietly sobbing in my hot cup of espresso roast. she's a keepa.
Ruthanne of Eclectic Whatnot is in one word HILARIOUS! i love love love her! she is amazing, i just love reading all of her tweets and blog posts. she is a sweet doll. a fellow homeschooler and a true hard worker. and through all of her great writing and fabulous sewing pretties she too, has naturally earned herself huge following.
Lisa Leonard. i know, i know, super famous like celebrity blogger/entrepreneur, BUT, i read her tweets and blog daily. why? (i know you already know, but i'm gonna tell you anyway. shhhh, let me finish.) ok, she is fresh, smart, and beautiful. everything she says everyday has a beautiful message. never negative, she never complains. we could all have a good gripe session once in while, but that's not what Lisa writes about. she honestly shares life's trials and struggles, yet somehow she makes it beautiful. everything she touches (or writes) turns to gold. and her shutter snaps perfect pictures to match the beauty that runneth over in her vast cup. love you Lisa.
no pressure to be perfect. no pressure. just sharing the LOVE.
these ladies are a few of whom i respect and look up to for growth and how to actually blog. thank you ladies for your inspiration, honesty, and heart. i will have some more wonderful ladies in about 6 weeks!
can't wait to see what you're loving today :)