have you ever been moved? we recently moved to a new town, but that's not the kind of "moved" i am talking about. the kind of moved that we hold back from, hesitate to go to, emotionally, in public, in front of others. yet when something actually
moves you, you really are moved to action. for some it is an emotional reaction, others move to do something to help, fix, save.
i went to our first new church in our new town yesterday and...
i was
and it was hard to stay grounded and look flawless in front of all these kind strangers. grabbed i was by the spirit, moved yes, by the Word. THANK GOD. thank you pastor Bob.
i didn't know what was to come by moving 300 miles away from deep roots and an incredible community that has been family.
pastor Bob said that God has plans for me *tear*
God has plans for you *sigh*
God is not done with us *sobbing* where's the kleenex? -the one thing i always need but never bring to church.
moving out of our comfort zones isn't easy, but it is the answer. instead of sitting on our faithful hands we need to have compassion for those who need Jesus. for those who are lost and cannot see, we need to be the light we were sent to be.
i have been moved.

ps. the kids loved it too :)