i have missed you terribly - yes i have been blogging again. yes i am back.
i really truly miss seeing your lovely visits. could you, would you stop by the new place?
here's a peek
remember to subscribe in a reader or bloglovin' so you don't lose your way again.
and i don't mind a comment or two or ten... remember what you wrote way back when?
it's building of a community and i like to have ongoing discussions and learning where you are too, i would like to find your blog and leave a comment or two for you ;)
my new address is:
i look forward to seeing you.
with love,
Thursday, April 18, 2013
The blog has moved... I thought you knew
Tuesday, April 9, 2013
top 5 reasons i left blogger
- 5 reasons you may want to stay
the blog has moved! check out the new site at: http://lollipopscards.com
if you haven't been getting lollipops in your feed or a reader be sure
to subscribe from the new site :)
here are the top reasons i made the move.
and the reasons why you may not want to make the move...
you may want to stay with blogger for:
comments - moderation and import
complexities of Wordpress
so the blog has moved over to Wordpress at:http://lollipopscards.com
if you haven't been getting lollipops in your feed or a reader be sure
to subscribe from the new site :)
Posted by
6:59 AM
top 5 reasons i left blogger
- 5 reasons you may want to stay
- 5 reasons you may want to stay
bloggy lessons|
bloggy lessons
Friday, March 15, 2013
business cards for Wienerdog Tricks.
as you know, i just did a web design for wienerdog tricks.
then Ginger wanted business cards.
so that's just what we did.
we used the logo and fonts from her new blog
and created her biz cards.
they measure 2.25 inches square and i love them.
they are handmade like her blog and her wares :)
i had so much fun designing with her, printing these out, and hand cutting them.
i only use suuuuuper thick smooth cardstock.
Wednesday, February 27, 2013
what i love wednesday is back!
after popular demand the weekly link up is back! and now with it's own blog!!!
link up every week starting March 6th and favorites will be featured :)
what i love wednesday now lives here:
Posted by
1:51 PM
what i love wednesday is back!
what i love wednesdays|
what i love wednesdays
Tuesday, February 26, 2013
new blog makeover for...
Wienerdog Tricks!
I loved working with Ginger on her redesign. Her blog is about the lovely things she salvages and sews. She gets all her fabric from things that were cast away and unwanted and she turns them into beautiful things that are very wanted. Quilts, bags, scarves, wallets, aprons... you name it. And with such cool vintage fabrics she creates these cool goods. Not only does she make, she also writes well, and she is hilarious. You must stop by her blog to read a few of her posts, see her original works, and inspiring photographs. I think you'll be smitten by her quirky originality. I had so much fun working with her. Daily I would get a dose of Ginger and be laughing out loud in my studio right off my swivel chair. She has individual style, and had a good sense of what she wanted. And she was able to communicate it easily - which is quite helpful for everyone involved ;)
Thank you Ginger, it was truly a pleasure to work with you!
designed by the creative arcade
Posted by
9:45 AM
new blog makeover for...
the creative arcade|webdesign|
the creative arcade,
Monday, February 25, 2013
new web design studio website has launched!!!
Posted by
1:20 PM
new web design studio website has launched!!!
the creative arcade|webdesign|
the creative arcade,
Monday, February 4, 2013
Happy Monday
i need to read this quote often...
it is very true in all aspects of life. i especially need it for business.
we can't be every service and/or product for everyone.
look at all the hugely successful big brands and you'll see,
they have a few things they are passionate about and they focus on those.
there was either already a market or niche or they found one.
i never did wedding invites, i was more passionate about playdate cards, party invitations, stationery, and prints. i never did letterpress either. i could have easily added these services, but i wasn't as passionate about them and would have needed to take away time and resources from my current services to research and implement the new services.
we evolve. our passions are not stagnant.
we grow.
currently i am still passionate about my paper services, and now i am also passionate about web design and very passionate about studying and preparing for acting.
my paper is all set so i don't need a huge investment of time and resources going in that direction. i have directed those resources to web designing and investing more time into my education for the screen.
this quote reminds me that i am good at certain things for a reason, i am passionate about paper, web design and acting because those are the gifts God has given me. i could sew dresses, clean houses, and nanny on top of everything else {we are talented, smart, wonderfully made beings} but there is only so much time in a day and time on one thing means less time on another. i already feel scattered with the large responsibility of my design business and the lofty goal of acting.
i just try to plan, stay focused on the tasks for the day, find inspiration all around me, pray, and move forward.
has being everything to everyone ever been a struggle for you?
what are you doing to balance and focus?
what are you doing to balance and focus?
Posted by
6:00 AM
Happy Monday
happy monday|inspiration|monday musings|printables|
happy monday,
monday musings,
Thursday, January 31, 2013
i like what this kid has to say
i think you'll like it too.
just watch.
...we're on the same team and we all need to start acting like it :)
Posted by
7:51 PM
i like what this kid has to say
Thursday, January 17, 2013
Hello Thursday
The Creative Arcade is now accepting clients for February.

Working with with Blogger, Wordpress, Typepad, Joomla!, Wix, etsy, Bigcartel, Storenvy... and more!

Working with with Blogger, Wordpress, Typepad, Joomla!, Wix, etsy, Bigcartel, Storenvy... and more!
- You can get a whole new blog, or just a header or a logo design.
- What about help with your blog?
- Pretty buttons and post dividers?
- Custom fonts or colors a la carte?
- Threaded comments with reply notification and commentluv?
The Creative Arcade does all of these things!
hello thursday
Wednesday, January 16, 2013
what i love wednesday...
do you miss what i love wednesday?
i would like to take a vote.
please reply if you miss the weekly link-up.
i would like to bring it back. let's see what you think...
i would like to take a vote.
please reply if you miss the weekly link-up.
i would like to bring it back. let's see what you think...
Posted by
8:45 AM
what i love wednesday...
what i love wednesdays|
what i love wednesdays
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